Post by allien on Sept 26, 2015 0:24:37 GMT -5
While creating rich internet applications, programmers earlier have to use Microsoft Silverlight or Adobe Flash to interact with user's system. But these tools require users to install plug-ins to enjoy the interactive experience. HTML5 enables programmers to create enterprise apps that deliver rich and interactive user experience without using any additional tools or plug-ins. As it is designed with the capability to store and retrieve files from the user's system, the enterprise application can access and manipulate files from any HTML5-compatible web browsers. The feature helps developers to create an enterprise app compatible with a variety of devices. Six Months Industrial Training
Post by evancroby on Jul 6, 2016 1:19:33 GMT -5
When compared to HTML4, HTML5 has the ability of the web browser to be an application platform by using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Many elements have been added directly to the language such as article, aside, audio, bdi, canvas, command, data, datalist, details, embed, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, keygen, mark, meter, nav, output, progress, rp, rt, ruby, section, source, summary, time, track, video, wbr. Another important advantage such as Local Storage : in HTML4, in order to store important data on client side, browser's cache was used. However, that cache is limited and doesn't support relational storage mechanism. In HTML5, this issue has been addressed via Web SQL database and application cache that can be access via HTML5's JavaScript interface. Other advantages like, new input types such as date for which the browser can expose easy user interface , and browser-supported form validation will make developing web applications much simpler for the developers, and make them much faster for the users . More about.... HTML AdvantagesEvan